Wednesday, 29 June 2022


NEW for 2022, we’ve updated the Points Chase trick limitations. These new trick limitations will be in effect at the 2022 Nautique WWA Wake Park National Championships


Features Only: No Restrictions

Traditional Cable:

Beginner Wakeboard: 

Kickers: Spins – Frontside 180s Only, Add some style! No Inverts

Air Tricks: No Air tricks, Ollie 180 front side and backside and slayshing/butters

Rails: Judges Discretion (No Transfers)

No WildCard (May be added at Championship)

Amateur Wakeskate:

Kickers: Spins – Frontside 180’s, HS & TS Airs (NO: BS spins or FS 360 or more, no shuv or flip tricks off)

Flats Tricks: Shuv FS & BS, 180 body varials, 180’s fs & bs (NO: 360 shuv, Big Spins & Flip Tricks)

Rails: Riding them, spins up to 360 on them, shuv either off or on top of, not onto the box or rail. (NO: Everything else)

No WildCard (May be added at Championship)

Novice Wakeboard:

Kickers: Spins – 360 spins MAX. Basic Inverts (no Blind or handle pass inverts)

Air Tricks: Ollie 180 and 360 both front side and backside. Only basic air tricks. (no Blind or handle pass inverts)

Rails: No Blind/wrapped landing Transfers/ollies.

WildCard: Intermediate Run Restrictions

Intermediate Wakeboard:

Kickers: Spins – 540 Spins MAX. 180 Inverts max. 

Air Tricks: Basic Air tricks, 180 Airtricks Max (Roll to blind and blind judge max. S-Bends & Vulcans are allowed, no s-bend to blinds) 

Rails: No Handle Pass Transfers/ollie (I.E Back 270)

WildCard: Advanced Run Restrictions

Advanced Wakeboard:

Kickers: Spins – 720 Spins MAX. 360 Inverts max. 

Air Tricks: Basic Air tricks, 360 rotations allowed. (S-toBlinds are allowed,) No 540+ air trick (i.e. Raley 5s, Smobe 5s, Mobe 5s….etc)

Rails: No Inverted Transfers

WildCard: No Restrictions

Professional Wakeskate & Wakeboard:

No Restrictions

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

2022 Nautique WWA Wake Park Worlds Bulletin 2 AVAILABLE NOW

Daily schedule, format and training information included!

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding


Congratulations to our Executive Director, Corrie Wilson, along with other women from the watersports industry recognized in the “2022 Women Making Waves”

Women Making Waves is Boating Industry’s effort to recognize the multitude of women in the industry who have made and continue to make great contributions to its success, propel its growth and lead their organizations and peers into the future.

Now in its fifth year and becoming a part of Boating Industry’s Top 100 Awards, the program is stronger than ever before. With over 120 well-qualified nominations for this year’s Women Making Waves, choosing this year’s honorees was no simple task.

There is such a large and continuously growing number women doing incredible work in our industry that the pages of the magazine simply don’t provide enough space to honor each and every one. However, the women recognized have given everything they have and more to the marine industry and have accomplished so much, with a pledge to continue pushing the industry forward.

Corrie Wilson, WWA Executive Director
Angela Pilkington
Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff, Correct Craft
Keisha Bentley Spicer
Director, Heyday Wake Boats
Victoria Fowler
Process Engineer, Malibu Boats
Callie Hoyt
Director of Federal Government Relations, National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA)
Stacy Boyer
Assistant Plant Manager, Cobalt Boats

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding