Thursday, 15 February 2018

2018 Wake Open Rider Info

The 2018 Nautique Wake Open is taking you to the new Mayan Watersports Complex in beautiful Quintana Roo, Mexico! Get registered and get booked for a unique wakeboard event experience at one of the world’s most epic wake destinations!

Official Dates
April 19-21, 2018

The 2018 Nautique Wake Open will include all WWA professional and amateur divisions.

Entry Fee
Pro Divisions $150 USD
Amateur Divisions $125 USD
$50  Late Fee Begins on April 9th at 5PM EST
Additional $50 Last Minute Fee Begins on April 16th at 5PM EST

Registration for all divisions riding on Thursday, April 19th  Closes at 5PM on Wednesday, April 18th.Registration for all divisions riding on Friday, April 20th closes at 5PMon Thursday, April 19th.

Hotel Info
Iberostar Paraiso Lindo
Carretera Chetumal – Puerto Juárez, Km. 309
77710 Playa Paraiso
Quintana Roo, Mexico
TEL: +52 984 877 28 00

Wake Open Special Rate Booking Link: CLICK HERE

Rates are good thru March 17, 2018
Single Occupancy- $199
Double Occupancy – $139 per person
Triple Occupancy – $132 per person
Quadruple Occupancy – $129 per person
Child- $70

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

Monday, 12 February 2018

Collegiate Format at 2018 Nautique WWA Wakeboard National Championships

2018 Collegiate Competition at 2018 Nautique WWA Wakeboard National Championships

Team Consists Of a Maximum of 12 Riders. Only the top 6 riders per the following breakdown will earn points for their team. All riders will compete in their respective age and gender division.

3 Male Riders
2 Women Riders
1 Wakeskater

Points will be awarded based on final placement for the top 6 riders through the WWA ranking points (see below).

Entry Fees will be by team as follows:
Small Team – Up to 6 Riders – $600
Large Team – Up to 12 Riders – $1000

All riders must hold a current 2018 WWA Collegiate Membership to compete.

All riders must provide student ID from college that they are representing as proof they are a student.

Riders may only represent a college and compete for collegiate titles by purchasing a Collegiate Team Registration. Regardless of how many riders are competing.

General – A Ranking List point system, which awards points for placements, will be used.

Ranking List Placement Points – Ranking List points will be awarded based on the Athlete’s final event placement according to the following chart:

Placement Points Placement Points
1st – 100         19th – 18
2nd – 90          20th – 17
3rd – 80           21st – 16
4th – 75           22nd – 15
5th – 70           23rd – 14
6th – 65           24th – 13
7th – 60           25th – 12
8th – 55           26th – 11
9th – 51           27th – 10
10th – 47         28th – 9
11th – 43         29st – 8
12th – 39         30th – 7
13th – 35         31st – 6
14th – 31         32nd – 5
15th – 27         33rd – 4
16th – 23         34th – 3
17th – 20         35th – 2
18th – 19         36th – 1

Ties – Due to the use of heats, their will most likely be ties in positions, all Athletes involved in the tie will receive the Ranking List points of the tied place.

Email with any questions!

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

Friday, 9 February 2018


Get ready for the 2018 season and sign up for your WWA annual membership before February 28th to take advantage of our exclusive early bird giveaway. The first 100 members will receive a FREE limited edition WWA gift pack! With events all over the world, we have a division for every age, skill level and discipline. Continue your journey in wake with the WWA and begin plotting your course to the podium in 2018!
*Items will be mailed to US Addresses only. All items will be mailed 6-8 weeks after promotion closes.

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

WWA Japan Interview: Toshiki Yasui

Q. 今年はマリブエボリューションプロが、琵琶湖で開催され、マリブ&アクシスアジアツアー開催されることについての真相と意気込み。




また、同時にアジアでは日本が先頭に立ち、マリブ・アクシス アジアツアーも開催されます。
















TOSHIKI -tojo-


from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

Wakebay – Safer, More Comfortable – Smart Leisure Culture Complex

Safer, More Comfortable –
Smart Leisure Culture Complex

웨이크베이는 수상레저 문화를 복합적으로 경험할 수 있는 국내 최대 규모의 마리나 리조트 입니다.
<규모 수용인원>
•400명 400명 이상의 인원을 동시 수용
•300명 일 평균 이용객 규모 300명 이상 (2014년 시즌 기준)
•100명 시간당 최대 100명 이상에게 수상레저 서비스 제공
•60% 가족 및 기업/단체 고객 비중 60% 이상 (2014년 기준)
규모 2,355㎡
•50대 50대 이상 주차 가능 공간
•20대 최대 20대까지 요트/보트 정박
•1st 해외 보트사 및 프로라이더와의 협업 마케팅을 추진한 제 1의 리조트

안전 시스템
안전한 선박구조 설계
일반 바지선이 아닌 실제 부력관리가 가능한 견고한 선박구조로 설계
(총중량 181t, 수용무게 약 100t으로 400명이상 안전하게 수용)
안전관리 체계 준수
‘탑승전 안전수칙 교육’ 및 ‘보트/시설의 정기점검’,
‘안전요원의 배치’등 업무 메뉴얼의 철저한 준수
GPS 관제 솔루션 도입
모바일 기기를 활용한 보트/요트 실시간 위치관제로
사고위험 발생시 조기 알람/대응 체계 구축
수용인원 적정 배분
스마트 예약관리 시스템을 활용하여,
방문 고객의 몰림현상 및 고객간 충돌 최소화 가능

요트 크루즈 Yacht / Boat Cruise
• 최고급 사양의 265, 315 요트로 기존 상위 1%만이 누리던 요트 크루즈를 Private하게 이용하실 수 있습니다.
• 쁘띠프랑스, 모래섬, 홍천강, 남이섬 등 청평 인근의 주요 거점을 돌며 아름다운 자연과 함께 여유로운 시간을 보내실 수 있습니다.
• 고객이 원하는 시간 동안만 선택적으로 이용 가능하며, 럭셔리 패키지 선택 시에는 와인/샴페인, 스낵 등이 함께 제공됩니다. (선상파티 및 이벤트 가능)

카바나 Cabana
• 웨이크베이 1층에 위치한 카바나(최대 8명 수용)는 안락한 휴식공간을 제공합니다.
• 종일 및 시간제 이용이 가능하며, 패키지 상품 선택 시에는 각종 주류 및 음료, 스낵이 함께 제공 됩니다. (별도 추가 구매 가능)

노천사우나 Outdoor Sauna
• 웨이크베이 1층에 있는 노천 사우나는 청평호의 아름다운 풍경을 만끽하실 수 있으며,
대기순서를 기다리시는 동안 고객 여러분의 체온을 따뜻하게 보호해 드립니다. (이용고객 무료 제공)

이 승 현 CAO 이사
contact number: 010.9422.9832
Address: 경기도 가평군 설악면 회곡리 428-1
“신청평 대교”를 건너 좌회전 후
4km를 직진하시면 만나실 수 있습니다.
서울 잠실에서 7000번을 이용하시면
30분 만에 “웨이크베이 리조트” 앞에 정차합니다.
(+82) 1577-4290

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

WWA Korea Interview: Yun Sanghyun (Russell)

  1. 이름(Name) : 윤상현 (Russell)
  2. 생년월일(Birthday) : 199859
  3. 학교(School) : 한국 체육 대학교
  4. 스폰서(Sponsors): Redbull Malibuboats Followwake Liquid Force  aidecrew Douchebags Spyoptic Superliveflim Mizubottles 
  1. 베스트 또는 최근 최고 성적(Records) – 

2016 Malibu Riders Experience South Recap. 2nd place. 

2016 Phuket Cable Wakeboard Asian Cup 1st place. 

2016 IWWF Wakeboard Asian Championship 1st place. 


Q1: 한국을 대표하는 라이더로서 앞으로의 계획은 무엇입니까


A1: 세계무대로 나가 활동하면서 기술의 완성도와 난이도를 높이고 많은대회에 계속 참가하면서 좋은성적을 내는것 입니다


Q2: 올해 주력으로 연습하고있는 트릭


A2: 더블플립과 모브540 계열의 트릭을 주로 연습하고 있습니다


Q3: 외국에서 웨이크보드선수들이  한국 국제대회에 참가하게되면 한국에서 반드시 해야하는 이것이 있다면


A3: 일단 한국음식과 많은관광지가 있는데 이런곳을 방문해서 경험해보는것도 좋을것 같습니다. 그리고 한국의 웨이크보드 문화 수상스키장에 가서 즐겨보는것도 좋은 경험이 될것 같습니다. 마지막으로는 한국에 동대문이라는 곳이 있는데 그곳에서 쇼핑이나 구경을 하는것도 좋을것 같습니다

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding


The World Wake Association (WWA) announces the return of the WWA Wakepark Points Chase Series (WPC) for 2018. Coming into its ninth season, this popular series features teams comprised of amateurs and pro’s representing wakeparks across the nation. Riders compete in both traditional cable and features only disciplines, accumulating individual and team points to qualify for the Nautique WWA Wakepark National Championships. Growing each year, the WWA Wakepark Points Chase Series has over 450 riders from more than 35 wakeparks in a fun environment focused on community and rider development.

Park Registration Info:

• Click HERE for Wakepark registration.
Parks must register before March 5th, 2018  in order to take advantage of all benefits and the lowest rates!

• If your park has not previously participated in the Points Chase series, please direct your representative HERE for all participation information.

• Each park can choose to participate in both traditional and features only series or select just one.
*Two tower parks are limited to the “features only” series.

• All rider registration must be completed at your local park.

• Each participating park will be provided with Wake Park Points Chace Series guidelines and standards for judging. Each park will apply all standards to best suit their individual course.

Features Only: The four week features-only series will begin in mid-May. Parks will decide which night Monday-Friday works best for them to host the event once a week for four consecutive weeks. Each week, parks will designate one feature on which riders will be given three attempts to complete their best trick. Most parks will run each rider and give them three attempts before the next rider hits the water. If the rider falls the cable may slow down and pick him or her up if they have attempts remaining. Out of course falls will count as an attempt. Local judges will rank the riders by their single best hit. This four-week series will consist of an event featuring a kicker on each side of the course and a rail/transfer on each side to keep things as fair as possible for regular and goofy footed riders. After four weeks of events the overall rankings will be decided by the riders’ top 3 out of 4 finishes, dropping the lowest score. The top 5 from each division will qualify for the National Points Championship.

Traditional Cable: The three-week traditional cable series will run in June. Parks will decide which night Monday-Friday works best for them to host the event once a week for three consecutive weeks. Each week, parks will host a traditional cable competition ranking riders in seven different skill-based divisions. Local judges will rank riders on their best overall run (lowest score of two runs is thrown out). After three weeks of events, the overall rankings will be decided by the riders’ top 3 out of 4 finishes, dropping the lowest score. The top 5 from each division will qualify for the National Points Championship.

2018 Series Dates:

Features Only: Open to all operating public full size and two tower parks.
Stop 1: May 14-18 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 2: May 21-25 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 3: May 28-June 1 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 4: June 4-8 (park picks which day of week to host event)
* Riders best 3 out of 4 weeks count towards their overall score
** You choose which day of the week event is held on
***Some parks may alter schedule slightly to work with local events

Traditional Cable: Open to all operating public full size parks.
Stop 5: June 11-15 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 6: June 18-22 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 7: June 25-29 (park picks which day of week to host event)
* Riders best 2 out of 3 weeks count towards their overall score
** You choose which day of the week event is held on
***Some parks may alter schedule slightly to work with local events

2018 Nautique WWA Wakepark National Championships

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding

Thursday, 1 February 2018

The WWA Wake Park Points Chase is Going Global!

Put your park on the map with the WWA Global Points Chase Series! Wake Parks around the world host a series of local contests throughout the season giving their top-ranked riders in both Traditional Cable and Features Only divisions the chance to represent their park at the 2018 Nautique WWA Wake Park World Championships.

The WWA Global Points Chase is a competition between wake parks from around the world to determine who has the best wake team!
Who will take the honor as World’s Top Wake Park in 2018?

For more information on the WWA Global Points Chase Series
please email us at

Park registration is now open!
Build your local wake community and represent your park with your team at the most prestigious wake park event in the world!

from World Wake Association
via Dana Preble Wakeboarding