The World Wake Association (WWA) announces the return of the WWA Wakepark Points Chase Series (WPC) for 2018. Coming into its ninth season, this popular series features teams comprised of amateurs and pro’s representing wakeparks across the nation. Riders compete in both traditional cable and features only disciplines, accumulating individual and team points to qualify for the Nautique WWA Wakepark National Championships. Growing each year, the WWA Wakepark Points Chase Series has over 450 riders from more than 35 wakeparks in a fun environment focused on community and rider development.
Park Registration Info:
• Click HERE for Wakepark registration.
Parks must register before March 5th, 2018 in order to take advantage of all benefits and the lowest rates!
• If your park has not previously participated in the Points Chase series, please direct your representative HERE for all participation information.
• Each park can choose to participate in both traditional and features only series or select just one.
*Two tower parks are limited to the “features only” series.
• All rider registration must be completed at your local park.
• Each participating park will be provided with Wake Park Points Chace Series guidelines and standards for judging. Each park will apply all standards to best suit their individual course.
Features Only: The four week features-only series will begin in mid-May. Parks will decide which night Monday-Friday works best for them to host the event once a week for four consecutive weeks. Each week, parks will designate one feature on which riders will be given three attempts to complete their best trick. Most parks will run each rider and give them three attempts before the next rider hits the water. If the rider falls the cable may slow down and pick him or her up if they have attempts remaining. Out of course falls will count as an attempt. Local judges will rank the riders by their single best hit. This four-week series will consist of an event featuring a kicker on each side of the course and a rail/transfer on each side to keep things as fair as possible for regular and goofy footed riders. After four weeks of events the overall rankings will be decided by the riders’ top 3 out of 4 finishes, dropping the lowest score. The top 5 from each division will qualify for the National Points Championship.
Traditional Cable: The three-week traditional cable series will run in June. Parks will decide which night Monday-Friday works best for them to host the event once a week for three consecutive weeks. Each week, parks will host a traditional cable competition ranking riders in seven different skill-based divisions. Local judges will rank riders on their best overall run (lowest score of two runs is thrown out). After three weeks of events, the overall rankings will be decided by the riders’ top 3 out of 4 finishes, dropping the lowest score. The top 5 from each division will qualify for the National Points Championship.

2018 Series Dates:
Features Only: Open to all operating public full size and two tower parks.
Stop 1: May 14-18 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 2: May 21-25 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 3: May 28-June 1 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 4: June 4-8 (park picks which day of week to host event)
* Riders best 3 out of 4 weeks count towards their overall score
** You choose which day of the week event is held on
***Some parks may alter schedule slightly to work with local events
Traditional Cable: Open to all operating public full size parks.
Stop 5: June 11-15 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 6: June 18-22 (park picks which day of week to host event)
Stop 7: June 25-29 (park picks which day of week to host event)
* Riders best 2 out of 3 weeks count towards their overall score
** You choose which day of the week event is held on
***Some parks may alter schedule slightly to work with local events
2018 Nautique WWA Wakepark National Championships
from World Wake Association
Dana Preble Wakeboarding